
Classy Kaka

Kaká the epitome of form is temporary, class is permanent There are 7 matches to get stuck into in this midweek round and Kaká is our headline Hotcard selection. The Orlando ace has smashed

MLS Week 17

MLS Hotcard – Mondogoal WK 17 The build-up to this round has been somewhat overshadowed by the furore surrounding Clint Dempsey’s antics in Seattle’s midweek cup exit but we expect

MLS Week 16

MLS Hotcard – Mondogoal WK 16 Just the 5 matches to choose from this week so we’ve invested heavily in quality for our Hotcard headline selection and have gone with Clint Dempsey who

MLS Week 15

MLS Hotcard – Mondogoal WK 15 Darlington Nagbe is our headline Hotcard pick for this round. He has continued to maintain the good form that earned him Timber’s MVP for the month of April, an