
The Changing Face of Fantasy Football

Anybody who is old enough to have watched the Brazilian national football sides of the 70s and 80s will know what a privilege it was. Due to a lack of TV broadcasting at the time, it was a treat that only came around once every 4 years at the World Cup finals but the freedom and flamboyance of their football was breathtaking – simply put it was fantasy football!

Unfortunately, as time passed, much of the flair went out of the Samba boys play, as more tactical awareness took over and a win at all costs attitude emerged.

Football fans needed a new fix, so the introduction of fantasy football, as we know it today, in the 90s was a welcome addition.

A powerful new relationship between football players and a football-engaged public emerged and it is showing no signs of relenting.

Our mission

Since you have found your way to this website, you are probably looking to answer one of three questions – how do I play fantasy football, how do I improve my fantasy football managerial skills or where should I be playing fantasy football?

Fantasy Football Portal is dedicated to finding a solution to these problems.

How to play

Many sites that pertain to be ‘beginner’s guides’ will skim over much of the basic stuff but we feel that that it is important to allow newcomers of all levels to learn at their own pace in a relaxed learning environment.

We have therefore designed a step by step introduction to fantasy football, covering all the key elements that you will need to get to grips with as you embark on your fantasy football journey.

How to master

If you are an experienced fantasy football player, you may simply be looking to improve your fantasy football skills so that you can stop having mediocre finishes in those mini-leagues or start ‘cashing’ in daily fantasy football contests on a regular basis.

Much to the disdain of your friends and family, you are likely to display a few obsessive traits already. These might include an impatient urge to know exactly which player has provided an assist when goal updates come through or a desire to be online at all times in the run-up to those match day game deadlines. Be warned – this is unlikely to change!

However, to become successful you will need to understand and master a number of key fundamentals that apply to almost all forms of fantasy football, so our aim is to ensure that you are focusing on the right areas. Once you have accomplished this you will be much better equipped to tackle any contest.

Club managers will often be put through the ringer during the course of a season and it’s no different for fantasy football managers. However, your aim should be to come out smelling of roses!

How to conquer

Before you can conquer the opposing forces you will need to find a suitable battleground. However, with new operators emerging all the time and a wide variety of game formats to choose from, deciding exactly where to play is no longer a simple choice.

Our intention is to present you with all the options by providing a portfolio of game options, highlighting why a particular game format might best suit your needs.

Fantasy football can be very time demanding, so it is vitally important that you choose contests that fit in with your everyday life, so that you give yourself the best possible chance of success.

Taking part in fantasy football games adds a whole new dimension to the world of football. It can be rewarding and frustrating in equal measure but one thing is for sure, once you start playing, you will never view football in quite the same way as you did before!

For those of you who have some familiarity with fantasy football concepts feel free to select the appropriate section so that you can continue to discover more about this incredible game.

A Beginner’s Guide

We’ll provide you with a brief overview of the history of fantasy football before getting you started on what fantasy football is all about with our step by step guides.

Video Demos

Sometimes it’s easier to comprehend something with visuals so we’ve added some demos that provide a lobby walk-through as well as taking in the team selection process itself.

 Podcast Tutorials

If you’re a regular visitor to the gym or just have plenty of spare time on your hands then our audio podcasts section might be the place for you. Simply listen and learn in your own time.

Beginner’s Library

We’ve added a number of related posts that we feel might enhance your learning process as a fantasy football beginner, one of which includes a fantasy football dictionary that explains many of the terms relating to this great game.